It is Time to Vote Published Aug. 22, 2016 By Brett Fehrle 117th Medical Group Commander BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- It is coming down to the final days for the presidential election. It is that time again when you get the opportunity to decide who is going to be the next President of the United States for the next four years. It is one of the privileges that you have as a U.S. citizen and one that many take for granted. For many of you, it is your first major election to vote, which is a civic responsibility. I remember my first election after turning 18. It was the 1984 Presidential Election and it was exciting. It drove the military to be the biggest in history and bankrupted the Soviet Union, resulting in the end of the Cold War. The results of that election created a bigger military creating more defense jobs for both the military members and the military manufacturers (ships, planes and ordnance) and all the supply chains that supported them. If you are not registered to vote, then I highly suggest you contact your county election board and get registered to vote. If you plan to be gone on travel, or out of town then please plan on doing an absentee ballet to cast your vote. As you go into that voting booth this election, many important issues will be decided. 1. Two to three Supreme Court justice seats 2. Dramatic changes in the military 3. Big or small government 4. Changes in the workforce These are the things that you will decide as you vote this election year. If you do not know the answers to who supports what above, then I suggest you do your research. Vote accordingly to what you want the future to look like for you, your friends and your family.